About me

Welcome to InspirationRobot.com. First of all, I am human 🙂 My name is Leonardo Triassi from Italy. This is my personal web site which is  dedicated to my various (past and ongoing) projects on robotics, programming and electronics. My intention is to constantly update the site according to the work that I’m completing. Anyone who wishes to contribute (write articles, tutorials, guides or submit his/her project) is more than welcome!

My strategy is to find strong partners, jointly develop innovative service robotics applications with high added value, and have the partners distributing the product embedding InspirationRobot’s solutions on their own markets.

You can write in English or Italian. Other languages are not currently supported :-). My Japanese and Chinese offers no guarantee of me understanding and I forgot my German two weeks after finishing high school, and that’s pretty much it. Anyway I guess you should speak English if you’re here.

Thank you so much for your help!

Leonardo Triassi

My music website: www.triharp.com

My photo gallery: www.neropixel.com

My work: www.recuperadati.it
